Only pay 5% service fee on successful match

Rated 4.9 of 5

What happens after creating an account?

You can immediately post jobs

Access to 6000+ professionals worldwide

Chat with freelancers and pick the best

Standard at registration

No match no pay5% fee

Place the job easily online
Receive responses within minutes
Pay only on successful match
Chat with freelancers
Now online! Kickjobs Marketplace

Pay when you're happy

Stick to your budget

Quality work done quickly

Safe and secure

The use of the platform is completely free; you only pay a 5% service fee on the project value or hourly rate when you hire a freelancer.

After the freelancer(s) complete the task, you, as the client, will receive an immediate notification. Once both of you have written a review, the freelancer will be paid within 24 hours.

No! You only pay for the project you post on Kickjobs. This can be a one-time occurrence, or you may repeatedly use freelancers who have registered with us. We only charge a 5% service fee on the project value or hourly rate.

After you post the job online, we will review it. This usually takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Once the project is live, every freelancer in the category and specialization of the task will receive an immediate notification. On average, you can expect the first responses within 2 hours!

Kickjobs offers companies the opportunity to quickly and easily connect with qualified freelancers, leading to faster completion of projects or short-term assignments and enhanced flexibility in the workforce. Additionally, the use of the platform is entirely free, and you only pay a 5% service fee on the project value or hourly rate when you hire a freelancer.

Standard at registration

No match no pay5% fee

Place the job easily online
Receive responses within minutes
Pay only on successful match
Chat with freelancers

Use the platform for free and quickly find motivated talent.

Perfect for large accounts

Enterprise Let's chat

Payment by invoice possible
jobs are promoted
Volume price agreements
Personal account manager

Only the best for you! Contact us to discuss a tailor-made solution.

We provide the perfect match

Talent scout 20% fee

Recruiters go to work for you
Always the best freelancer
Your job completed without worries
Pay only on successful match

Let us do the work. Our team of recruiters is ready to help you find the best match.

The benefits of kickjobs

Wat je kunt verwachten
Andere plaforms
Geen maandelijkse kosten
Set your own rate
100% verdienen voor freelancers
Geen langetermijnverplichtingen
Personal account manager
24/7 contact met de freelancer middels chat
Binnen 24 uur uitbetaald