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Schakel experts in die over specifieke vaardigheden beschikken.
Met kickjobs krijg je direct toegang tot gekwalificeerd talent.

That's why companies choose kickjobs
Geen standaard Chatbot maar menselijke ondersteuning
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Based on 28 reviews
Vind direct de beste freelancer voor jouw opdracht.
Submit your job with us, and we'll check for free if it's a match on our platform.
*We would like to emphasise that only digitally executable work will be accepted.
Hire expertise when you need it!
Therefore kickjobs
Heb je een opdracht of langdurig project waarvoor je momenteel niet het juiste personeel hebt? Dan ben je bij kickjobs op de juiste plek! Op ons platform hebben duizenden gecertificeerde freelancers zich geregistreerd, elk met hun eigen expertise. Maak gratis een account aan, plaats je opdracht met de gewenste waarde of uurtarief, laat freelancers met de juiste vaardigheden reageren en start via chat een gesprek! Zo vind je moeiteloos de ideale kandidaat voor jouw opdracht!
Hire expertise when you need it!
Find your perfect match
Kickjobs makes it easy and efficient to find the perfect freelancer and collaborate seamlessly on successful projects. Discover the power of our platform today.
Your journey to success starts here!

That's why companies choose kickjobs
Kunnen we je ergens bij helpen?

Based on 28 reviews
Vind direct de beste freelancer voor jouw opdracht.
Submit your job with us, and we'll check for free if it's a match on our platform.
*We would like to emphasise that only digitally executable work will be accepted.
Kickjobs offers companies the opportunity to quickly and easily connect with qualified freelancers, leading to faster completion of projects or short-term assignments and enhanced flexibility in the workforce. Additionally, the use of the platform is entirely free, and you only pay a 20% service fee on the project value or hourly rate when you hire a freelancer.
The use of the platform is completely free; you only pay a 20% service fee on the project value or hourly rate when you hire a freelancer.
After the freelancer(s) complete the task, you, as the client, will receive an immediate notification. Once both of you have written a review, the freelancer will be paid within 24 hours.
No! You only pay for the project you post on Kickjobs. This can be a one-time occurrence, or you may repeatedly use freelancers who have registered with us. We only charge a 20% service fee on the project value or hourly rate.
After you post the job online, we will review it. This usually takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Once the project is live, every freelancer in the category and specialization of the task will receive an immediate notification. On average, you can expect the first responses within 2 hours!
Boost your business
Welcome to kickjobs, the platform to discover freelance opportunities and connect with talented professionals. To get you started, we've created an informative video explaining how our platform currently operates.
Watch the video and start your journey to freelance success with kickJobs! Do you have any questions? Our support team is ready to assist you.